viernes, 4 de mayo de 2007

my first entry

let's go on learning
and let's do some teaching...

the wide world's out there
let's do some work!

5 comentarios:

Carolina C. Requena dijo...

Silvi!!! Very nice poem!!! Brilliant!!! Clap, clap, clap!!!!!!

María Inés, Betty, Edel, Mary, Flora dijo...

Hi Silvia
As you see I have visited your blog...besides you have included a nice poem, I'm sure your students in English phonology will enjoy using this blog!

Leonor Páez Logioia dijo...

Hi Silvia! Very nice task for your students!

Anónimo dijo...

ya esta.

Anónimo dijo...

Your project is really impressive!
I have learnt a lot through reading it.
I must admit that I was a bit slow in trying to understand what I had to de. Besides, I had problems in getting into the site I created at Rio Cuarto so I had to create a new blog,. My new blog is the following:
with an additional "e" after elia. There I published my project.
I accept any suggestions and commentaries about it.
Again, I liked your project very much.
See you soon.